Month: October 2006

  • Well it seems that costume making has gotten a bit more difficult, as I am out of grommets, boning, fabric and in need of larger pattern  sizes. So, this means that I need to go get more stuff on Saturday, ASAP and start making up for lost time, sewing like there’s no tomorrow. So here’s what I will need:
    . Three packages of silver grommets
    . 1 package of gold grommets
    . Another 2 yards of boning
    . 2 more yards of the yellow satin Belle skirt fabric
    . Cheap, yellow gauzy skirt overlay
    . White, shiny fabric for the underskirt
    . 1 package of large sew-on rosettes or pearls
    . 3 packages of smaller satin rosettes or pearls
    . Simplicity 4145 in sizes 14, 16, 18 and so on
    . Mc Call’s 5138 for Alice blouse
    . 5 yards of inexpensive, blue Ariel skirt fabric
    . maybe 2 yards more of black trouser fabric
    . If possible, buy Butterick B4427 size B, along with cheap blue fabric and 2 yards of 1/4 inch elastic

    What I need to do:
    . Make Jesse her corset, skirt and hairbow for Ariel
    . Finish Paige’s bodice, along with the sash trim, and rosettes
    . Finish her skirt, as well as the over-skirt stuff
    . Tell Paige she needs gloves, or buy them for her and then get reimbursed
    . Finish my Alice blouse
    . Make Julia her corset for Halloween
    Here are the pics of the costumes I will be making:

    This would be my Alice costume, everything else is all finished, I even got the shoes

    This would be an example of what i was thinking for the Belle ballgown

    This would be the costume I am making for Jesse for Halloween, as well as to be displayed in my college resume

    Even though this will set me back by a lot, its worth it for college and such, as well as gifts that will go on for Christmas, birthdays, graduation, and missed birthdays, etc.

  • i  took  a  south park personality quiz today and  I got Kyle. I got the jewish kid! awesome!

  • got a third of paige’s belle skirt fabric and the rest of the blouse fabric, now I need to make it and finish the Alice outfit, as well as the hairbow. i also get my characters coming in the mail by Oct. 9th, which should be fun.